He displayed a shrewdness in business that his father had lacked (and turned the company around).
ビジネスの好転: 1. business upturn 2. pickup in business 抜け目なさ: 1. adroitness 2. astucity 3. astuteness 4. dexterity 5. prudence 6. shrewdness 7. street-smarts / street wisdom 8. thievishness 会社の業績: company performance 不況を好転させる: turn an economic downturn into an upturn 人生を好転させる: turn someone's life around〔人の〕 状況を好転させる: 1. get a better deal 2. turn things around 経済を好転させる: turn the economy around 関係を好転させる: improve relations 大変な抜け目なさ: great shrewdness その法体系が証券会社のビジネスのやり方を規制している。: The legal structure governs the way that the securities houses do business. 彼は、会社の日常的なビジネスの側面にはあまりかかわっていない。: He is not so much involved with the everyday business aspect of the company. その会社は、ビジネスの動きをコントロールすることに長けている。: The company is good at controlling the cycle of business. 抜け目がないビジネスマン: fast businessman 安定したビジネス: strong business 厳しい状況を好転させる: turn around [round] the harsh conditions